Sunday, December 9, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook...

 Linking up with the simple woman's daybook here: 

Outside my window... is a dark night that will safely and soon bring my hardworking husband home to me (after I'm sleeping, no doubt)

I am thinking... about a thousand things but most notable are the following thoughts: my little baby in bed next to me is such a miracle, the nearly 12 year old who just walked to bed after reading time is also a miracle. I'm also thinking of how wonderful it will be to have full access to my kitchen again, some time in... oh... I'd say, 3 more days. After the kitchen floor gets replaced. Merry Christmas to me? I think so.

I am thankful... for God's faithfulness. One time when I was a rebellious teen, my momma sent me a notecard in the mail to the ghetto that I resided in. In it, she encouraged me that God's love was more faithful then the morning. She said that as she thought of God's faithfulness, she would picture it as His face-full-ness. To her that meant that His face was never turned away in shame or anger from her, it was always turned fully toward her. It encouraged me at the time and still does today. God turns His face toward His creation in delight, longing to reveal to us His glory. That's what we were made for. To know Him and His glory. 

In the kitchen... is a ginormous mess. Literally, the kitchen (refrigerator and dishwasher) are in my living room until all the floor gets fixed. Last thing I cooked was at a dear friends house, yesterday. It's a delicious beef stew. I'll have to post that recipe sometime when I'm not already too cozy in bed to get up. hehe. I can post an inexpensive Christmas treat recipe, though, which I got from one of my favorite blogs, I made this simple and cheap recipe for a cookie exchange that I was a part of last week. They are yummy.

Here's a pic of my kitchen and my handsome husband working hard to fix it:

Peppermint Meringues

Peppermint meringues are light crispy and peppermint-y wonderful for a plate of treats.
2 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup sugar
2 peppermint candy canes, crushed
Beat egg whites until foamy; add salt and cream of tartar and then beat until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar while beating until stiff peaks form (about 6-7 minutes).
Drop meringues by teaspoon full onto un-greased foil and sprinkle with crushed candy canes. Bake at 225 for 1 1/2 hours. Then turn off heat and slightly open oven door. Leave meringues in oven until cool (1-2 hours).
Makes 3 dozen.

I am wearing... PJ's. the comfy kind. the only kind I wear. I promise, my husband doesn't mind.

I am creating... nothing right this second but I have been in an awfully creative creating mood lately. I've sewn up some new Christmas stockings for my whole family. I'll post a short tutorial on that sometime this week, hopefully. I've also been making tons of adorable owl hats for babies. These hats are soooo fun to make and even more fun to see on little ones heads. 

Here's the latest one I made for a friend.

Here are the stockings I made for over the fireplace:
I also crocheted those little snowflakes that are in between each stocking! So fun!

I am going... to be soooo happy when my folks come up for a visit (hopefully on Weds). I LOVE having family here, LOVE having noise in the house and always having someone to talk to. My parentals are perfect for those things. Plus, I always get at least 1 date in with the hubby while they are here with the kiddos. YAY!

I am wondering... when the next little Wandler will come into existence. It's just about that time for thinking about things like that. Baby's are little miracles and I can't wait for the next one :)

I am reading... "These Happy Golden Years" by Laura Ingalls Wilder, out loud to Aliyah every night. I am ALWAYS reading, or at least it seems like it, "Shepherding a Child's Heart". Always wanting to improve in the area of parenting. I should be reading the Word, but I'm currently so far behind in my reading that I feel sort of like starting all over. Or maybe I'll just read in John. One of my favorite books of the Bible. Yes, maybe I'll just do that.

I am hoping... that my beautiful sister will be able to come and visit soon. She's sooooo faaaaar awaaaay in Kansas City. Ok, it's not that far... but it IS! Wish she lived closer.

I am looking forward to... CHRISTMAS!!! 

I am learning... all about surrender, but isn't that always the case? I'm also learning about TRUSTing God with everything. Again, nothing new there.

I am pondering... the strange comfort level that I have with the fact that this next week my first born will be all of 12 years old. I think it hasn't hit me. Is it possible that I birthed a child 12 years ago? I was only a child myself, 12 years ago. wow, has time flown. 

One of my favorite things... Christmas cookies... or cookies of any kind. or maybe just sweets and a good excuse to eat them? hmm. 

A few plans for the rest of the week... Tomorrow starts my family's weekend (monday/tuesday), so we'll be putting in a new floor tomorrow and Tuesday. Hopefully in between some of that we'll rest. Oh, did I say WE'LL be putting in a new floor? I meant my HUBBY will be putting in a new floor. Glad to not have much to do with that.

With that said, I think I'll venture off into dream land before the noisy one gets home. If I can get into a deep enough sleep before hand, I don't get disturbed too easily. Good night.

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