Tuesday, November 27, 2012

beginning again

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. 
Psalm 52:8

I figured it was time, again, to try this little thing called "blogging". I may not do it very consistently but after much thought, that something is better then nothing.I find myself FULL of good things to blog about, when I don't have a blog to put it on. I'm very curious if it will and how it will translate to this page. I chose the name because, let's be honest... many times life in the mundane feels much like an olive press. I know many good things will be brought forth through the laying down of my life and taking up my cross daily but remaining faithful to do so in the little ways and engaged with Jesus during the day in, day out can be hard and uncomfortable. Not that it's that way ALL the time, but some of it is. I'll be blogging about anything and everything that crosses my mind. It will be a plethora of 
wifehood, motherhood, homeschooling, house of prayer meditations, upsets and joy-filled times. Some really, really silly and seemingly unimportant things and some deep things from my heart. I don't want to say that verbal processing is necessary for me but I do appreciate the ability to read back into things God is doing in my heart once I am past it, to see what little bit of wisdom and/or maturity it brought forth. Through all of the ups and downs of life, I endeavor to do what the verse above says... to trust in the steadfast love of God forever. I don't want to accept His leadership begrudgingly or half-heartedly but, looking back on my life from the "judgement seat perspective", I want to see that I fully and gratefully embraced all that He had for me. Not so easy. Thank God for His grace to walk on the straight and narrow. Stay tuned to see how this messy ordeal goes. 

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