Friday, November 30, 2012

Advent... or in other words, a few thoughts on Christmas

This weekend, we'll be starting the intro to advent. We tried to do this last year with a different advent reading schedule. Now thinking back, I'm sure we did do it but since I had a little 2 month old, my brain was at half capacity to think deeply or ponder thoroughly, the delight of the Incarnation. I'm hoping that this year we'll be able to get through all the reading and discussing and focusing as a family. This is the advent reading list we'll be using this year: Good News of Great Joy Advent calendar. Last year, we used an equally wonderful advent reading schedule found HERE. Of course this season is good old fashioned and just plain fun. But in the midst of all of that hot chocolate/shimmering lights/cozy fires fun, I so want my heart to feel movement toward God's heart and His ways through it all. While desiring to bless my children with gifts and loving the realities of their bright faces on Christmas morn as they run to the tree and find all their treats, I so longingly wish to deposit a soul hunger to know the man Christ Jesus. Who is this man that we celebrate? How could eternally existing God come in the form of man? How great is this one and yet how lowly???!!?!?! There's a wonder in Christmas time, a special grace upon hearts. A hunger, if the hungry one would be still enough to know it. My heart is cold but I believe, Jesus! You, once a babe. You depended on your mother for food and care. You crawled and you toddled. You, Jesus, wondrous you! I pray that the wonder and amazement of advent would seize your heart and bring you into the adventure of "knowing". I pray that for me too!

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